What are Virtual Trade Missions and what are their advantages?

As the name suggests, they are trade missions held virtually between two countries. Typically they will have two main areas:

  1. The Exhibition Hall - where companies participating in the Trade Mission with Virtual Stands can be found.
  2. The Auditorium - where delegates can participate in presentations by a variety of speakers.

Other features can include:

  • Polls.
  • Question & Answer sessions.
  • Private meeting rooms.
  • One-to-one discussions between delegates.
  • Business matching services.
  • Gamification.

What are the Benefits?

They are not a drain on executive time - no need to travel or to physically set up stands.

A good Virtual Trade Mission should have the following key characteristics:

  1. Very low cost to participate (as delegates and\or as exhibitors).
  2. Very user-friendly.
  3. Easy internet access (no requirement to have large bandwidth).
  4. Incorporate presentation programs which are short and pragmatic – based on pre-recorded videos.
  5. Provide post-event 3rd party support services to assist cross-border contracts to be concluded.
  6. The Exhibition Hall and Presentation program remain online for 6 months.
  7. Provide a Business Matching Promise.

The services provided by TTS and our partners satisfy all of these requirements.

N.B. Using Multilingual Microsites as Virtual Stands makes it incredibly easy for SMEs to participate in multiple foreign language Virtual Trade Missions.

See also the video: The Case for Virtual Trade Missions