TradeTech's 7 point plan for Virtual Trade Missions:

  1. Just 2 months to create a template for your organisation.
  2. The Multilingual Microsites also function as Virtual Stands - so, no need to configure stands for each event.
  3. All presentations are pre-recorded (only moderators are needed to provide a "live" element) - and are optimised by including the equivalent of a maximum 15 PowerPoint Slides and 12 minutes of audio text. These are then translated into the appropriate language for each VTM.
  4. Access to the proprietary databases allows us to create closely targeted marketing mailing lists.
  5. For each VTM there is a follow-up program (including TradeTech's Business Matching Promise).
  6. The Exhibition Hall and Presentation program remain online for 6 months.
  7. They are very low-cost (indicatively: a couple of hundred pounds/dollars/euros for Exhibitors per VTM).