Many think that by publishing their website in English, then they reach the world. However, less than 8% of the world are mother tongue English language speakers. Therefore, by not having your site published in all the major languages, you risk missing out on the searches carried out by the 90% of the world who speak another language. (Most people start their internet searches in their mother tongue.)

Using your Multilingual Microsite as a Virtual Stand

Every feature that you would expect to appear on a Virtual Stand (or indeed a physical one) is available – and:

  1. During the period of the Virtual Trade Mission, there is the added functionality of live video\audio\chat allowing you to communicate directly with potential partners.
  2. You have plenty of time to prepare everything in advance.
  3. You can make real-time changes whenever you want at no extra charge.
  4. When you are using your MM as a Virtual Stand for multiple Virtual Trade Missions, you just use the relevant language version of your MM – without having to translate anything! How's that for flexibility?

6 Key Benefits of your Virtual Stand\Multilingual Microsite

  • You Advertise Your Products and Services Globally

Your foreign language Search Engine Optimisation (“SEO”) will lead to increased traffic to your website, which should lead to more sales. Your VS\MM covers 35 languages - giving you a reach to 166 countries with 95% of global GDP.

  • Competitive Advantage

Foreign language content gives you a competitive advantage over other businesses in your industry who only have an English language site.

  • Better User Experience

You provide a better user experience to your foreign customers.

  • Increase Your International Brand Awareness

Your foreign language profile can help increase your brand awareness in foreign markets. Given the relative lack of competition for foreign language keywords, your products and services will appear higher in search rankings in those languages and their relevant markets.

  • Spread Your Business Risk

Promote your business in multiple markets, and so spread the risk of market downturns and benefit from those that are expanding.

  • They represent a Very Low Cost Solution

The list price is less than 9 pence per language per week.

Other Benefits

  1. Direct contacts and analysis of incoming traffic to your website (which can still be left in your own language) will give you valuable insights into the countries where your products and/or services are being sought. This can then help you decide whether you should direct more resources to developing these markets. With hard facts, you can take out the guesswork and reduce the risk of your overseas marketing.
  2. Your microsite will be hosted on – with at least 140 backlinks to your home site, further improving the SEO of your home site.

You can also add links from your Home Site to your Microsite for the same benefit. There are two options:

  1. You can do this manually by adding the language options (written and\or with relevant flags) at the top of your Home Page. These will direct foreign language visitors to your site to the Microsite language version of their choice.
  2. You can add an automatic redirect function based on the default language of the visitor's browser and\or country.

To help you add either of these features, see Language lists.xlsx. This provides the list of Microsite Languages and relevant flags, together with the relevant link structure for each of the languages of your Multilingual Microsite.